Tuesday 18 December 2012

Interesting times ahead blogging!

Huge learning curve today- working with colleagues to set up and endeavour to blog! Thank you to the IT savvy here today!
Today seems to be the beginning of a potential lifetime change. Having recently won the DECD Inspirational Preschool Teacher of the Year award, I am thrilled to think of how I can learn, teach and contribute to the learning outcomes for preschoolers and their families.
I am currently teaching at Barbara Kiker Memorial Kindergarten at Kidman Park in South Australia. We are very focussed at our centre around inspiring children's divergent thinking through nature and it's resources. I absolutely adore nature and the way in which children from all walks of life and circumstances can enjoy, explore, share and learn. My intentions will be to explore professional development that includes visiting nature/ forest/ bush schools, develop resources and share my learning with colleagues.
All hopefully shared also via this blog!

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