Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Permaculture Design Course

I have just completed a Permaculture Design Course at the Food Forest in Gawler with Graham and Annemarie Brookman and guest lecturer – world renowned Permaculture Specialist David Holmgrem (pictured) .  The course was 10 days of intensive face to face sessions combined with 4 weeks of additional personal study days.
It was such a wonderful experience (exhausting but wonderful), we were immersed in the philosophies of Permaculture Design and given the opportunity to visit a number of sites around Adelaide and Stirling who are practising these philosophies on a daily basis in a range of ways.  Being surrounded by like minded people during the course was truly inspirational.
I presented a successful project presentation during the course and was lucky enough to have 4 other students choose to join my team and develop a Permaculture Design for my school.  My team was wonderfully diverse with members bringing a range of skills to the team such as plant knowledge, energy efficiency expertise and IT skills. 
My team presenting our project and with our model and site map.

We developed a plan consisting of 5 stages that our school can implement over time as funds and hands on assistance become available.  We felt it was vital to include the students at the school in the design process.  I worked with them to measure the spaces and to do the ph testing of the soil on the site.  Students were also involved in gathering items for the model made for the project and subsequently made a range of models of the site themselves.
I look forward to implementing the design into the school with the support of my team and students and thank my team for their time and expertise with this project.

 Graham and Annemarie Brookman and I after receiving my certificate and the 2013 Permaculture Design Certificate group.

1 comment:

SA Public Teaching Awards said...

The permaculture course sounds as though it was really interesting and inspiring Belinda. Great to see that you’re able to involve the students in putting your new skills into practice too! A great learning experience for all.