Tuesday, 15 January 2013

And so my adventure begins!

A new year starts and so does my new adventure. My name is Natalie Gherardin and as the winner of the inspirational primary teacher section of the awards I am excited to be able to pursue the many and varied professional learning opportunities available to me. It is an amazing opportunity but also a daunting task as I grapple with how I can make each dollar count!!

For the past five years I have taught Receptions at Naracoorte South Primary School and have loved every moment of it. In this role I have been lucky enough to develop my passion for early years literacy through play as well as build children's skills in sustainable living. The school now has an exciting environment centre which houses 15 chooks, a worm farm and a productive vegetable garden. I have also enjoyed sharing my love of music with the community through a weekly music and movement program for parents and babies.

This year I am changing pace and moving into the role of Principal at Frances Primary school. Frances is a small rural school with two classes. I am very thankful for the opportunity to extend my skills and build positive relationships with the Frances rural community.

I am really looking forward to researching and exploring professional learning that will enhance my passions but also extend my current teaching and leadership skills. I hope that by sharing my experiences with you via this blog that you too can further your learning. The world of 'blogging' is very new to me, so you will need to bare with me as I struggle to work out the 'ins and outs' of it all!

I'm sure you will also enjoy reading the entries from the other fabulous winners. What a remarkable group of ambassadors for South Australian Education!

I will keep you posted with any updates.
Until then, happy teaching!
Natalie Gherardin

1 comment:

Ambra said...

Congratulations on your new position Natalie. You're doing great with blogging so far, look forward to reading more.