Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Nature Pedagogy - Day 1. London to Corby, Midlands, England with Claire Warden

Tuesday 29th Oct
Today delegates from around Australia like little children followed Claire to St Pancras to catch the train to the English Midlands for our first stopover on tour. 
After arriving in Corby, we got straight to work establishing an understanding around the variety of settings that we all work in across Australia- presenting our backgrounds and 'bag of challenges' within our site context. Claire led us through a course of discussion topics including a true model of Nature Pedagogy. Essentially, she is saying that within any diagram of nature pedagogy practice educators should be thinking intentionally about how children's learning pathways can be extended into all 3 environments ( inside the centre, outside and beyond). Plans derived from a child's interest should include a variety of  learning experiences extending into all 3 areas. With this in mind we have been asked to consider the degree of flexibility within our settings that allows children to use all 3 spaces all day, whether resources are open ended to be used anywhere throughout these spaces and how much uninterrupted time is available for children to access the curriculum and pursue their wonderings all day. As educators we must think about whether we interact as provokers of learning where we introduce new possibilities all day, knowing when to step back ..... or do we merely 'supervise' and control children's learning pathways. Mmmmmm.

Monday, 28 October 2013

Early Childhood UK Nature School Study Tour

Finally! - A year after the SA Public Teaching Awards - my opportunity to visit the nature schools in the Uk has become a reality. Through her thorough planning and organisation, Virginia Barter from DECD Workforce Development has enabled me to land in London to join other Australian early childhood education delegates in a once in a lifetime professional development experience. After a lengthy flight from Adelaide, a change of attire into warm clothing and a few orientation walks I finally get to meet the teams and delegates.  Tomorrow we all begin an intense study tour of high quality early childhood nature education settings starting off in London, England and making our way up to Dunblane, Scotland. 
The tour is a collaborative venture organised by Inspired EC in Australia  (  and Mindstretchers in the UK (
The itinerary over the next 10 days includes observations of experiential naturalistic education, learning about the ethos of key nature schools staff and centres, listening to Folklore stories and cultural connections to nature, understanding the English and Scottish curriculum planning, methodology and assessment strategies and the links to the Early Years Learning Framework of Australia.
Tuesday 29th Oct: we travel to Corby/Kettering in central England.
Wednesday 30th Oct: we visit Pen Green Children's Centre. Travel by bus for 3 hours to Durham, East England. 
Thursday 31st Oct: we visit Bolden Nursery School, Tyne and Wear. Travel for 3 1/2 hours by bus to Dunblane, Scotland.
Friday 1st Nov: Visit Cowgate Children's Centre, Edinburgh and Forest School. Return to Dunblane.
Sat 2nd Nov: Dunblane.
Sun 3rd Nov: Travel to Crieff, Scotland.
Monday 4th Nov: With rubber boots on feet - Visit Fowlis Wester nature training and education centre and Auchlone Nature Kindergarten. Here we will meet Claire Warden - founder of Mindstretchers and Nature Education centres in UK. 
Tuesday 5th Nov: Again with rubber boots on feet - Visit the Scottish Crannog Centre, Kenmore. 
Wednesday 6th Nov; Back to Fowlis Wester for practical workshops and discussions about the links between EYLF and our observations from previous days in the UK. 
Thursday 7th Nov: Travel to Edinburgh Airport to catch flights to London and back to Australia. 

It has been very interesting browsing and researching the early childhood curriculum used in the UK and comparing the strategies with those we embrace using EYLF in Australia. For your interest the following links have been provided to the tour delegates here in the UK:

I hope someone will find my journey interesting and follow my blog as I indulge into my favourite pastime: discovering nature with children.

Angela in England.